Monday, December 3, 2012

Fellow Anglers,

Salmon fishing is winding down and we are switching back to Steelhead. Hatchery steelhead is happening now and we are starting to book for our Peninsula trips now.
This is a favorite for our guys looking for those big wild fish, we got a few last year in the 20# range last year!
The Sky has been getting a few more fish. With all the rain we have been getting the local rivers for the most part have been in pretty good shape but watch those river levels. 

Need that perfect gift? Pick your price and your and giftee can use that as credit towards anything we do.

Want to get schooled? Check out our fishing schools 

Happy fishing,

Mike D

Friday, October 19, 2012

Big Stilly Cutty
We got some rain... so much that I can't fish for a day or two. Kinda sucks cause the Puget Sound rivers were is killer shape yesterday. A few feet of visibility, lots of fresh coho, few chums, some big sea run cutts, dolly varden and a few steelies around. The other day we caught 3 of those species and even a nice true rainbow (that I am starting to see more often) on the Stilly.

Stilly Char
The Skagit opened for a 3 fish kill for coho. Looks like the numbers are pretty good. I'd rather see a smaller number to harvest so we can keep the spawning numbers up. I have heard fishing is pretty decent though.

The Sky salmon always seem to be a bit more tight lipped to me and it get a little more crowded so I try to focus on other rivers.

The Methow just opened for steelhead. Should be a ok year. Not as many fish as a couple years ago. You have to keep your hatchery fish and once you get 2 you are done fishing for the day.

I have room for 1 person on Nov. 10th for a salmon/dolly varden trip on the skagit. $150 pp if interested. I am also starting to book out dates for the spring steelhead fishing on the O.P.

Join our Facebook page! 

Get some,

Mike D

Monday, October 8, 2012

Chris's fish
I love the sun but a little rain would be nice. With river flows and damn counts low on the Grande Ronde fishing has been tough. We had a few decent days and dad has been getting some on the lower river but guys are putting in some hours to get some action. We have caught some nice fish skating some bugs. Kudos to Blake for getting a 13lb wild fish that kicked his butt for 25 mins till he got payback with a dandy fish pic. A buddy of mine just got back from the Klickittat and fished hard for 4 days and didn't touch a thing. Most rivers around are experiencing the same problems... even the Yellowstone in Montana!

Word on the street is that the Methow may open soon. Don't quote me on that though. They may add a no fishing from a boat rule that I have mixed feelings about. Mostly to cut down the bobber boys. I'm not big on added restrictions to a river that has a bunch already but I will mostly swing fish anyways. It may help moral between bankies and floaters and keep to more traditional fishing techniques.

I am booking for salmon trips now! We will be doing some full day schools for Coho,(Chums if open) and dolly varden and what ever else hits. Booking now for Nov. 10th. 3-4 anglers per guide.

Those early guys looking to get there favorite dates for O.P. Spring steelhead I'm taking deposits now.

Lately our facebook page has been getting more updates - Join us and check it out.

Interested in half day classes let me know.

Mike D

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dick's Sea Run Cutt

Rivers are looooow, Hopefully we get some rain tomorrow. There are a few silvers around in the rivers but if we get a good rain and some better tides with fish will move in a little better. The Sea run cutthroat fishing has been pretty good but the floats have been slow and we have had to pull the boat a bit in the skinny spots. I'll be fishing the Grande Ronde in a few weeks and am looking forward to some steelies.

I have been updating the facebook stuff lately with info and pics so check that for the latest scoop.

Down the road - Coho, Chum, and Dolly fishing in Oct-Nov- Dec. Lake fishing for big browns in mid Oct- Nov.

Tight lines,

Mike & Dennis

Sunday, August 19, 2012

John's big Cuttbow - Pic's don't give it justice!
Update: I have 1 spot left in our sea run cutt/coho school on the 8th on the Stilly $150 pp

I just got back from the Methow river fishing trout. I had a blast. Solid trout fishing with most trips producing a big cutthroat or cuttbow from 20-25 inches... All on big dry flies. You just can't beat dry fly fishing.
The weather was hot but perfect for wet wading. On a day off took my 2 wt. and fished a little creek that had bookies and cutts with some good success.
I'll be headed back to the Methow for the steelhead season from mid October - early November.

Starting September 1st Coho will open on the Stillaguamsih. I'll be running some trips for the salmon and sea run cutts. I have some private access to do a float on the lower river.
Starting Sept 1st. along with our full day trips I'll be offering 6 hr trips or late afternoon trips ending at dusk for $250. I can do them for steelhead or the sea runs/coho. Usually the Coho run is bigger when it isn't a Pink salmon year. The imit is set for 2 fish on the Stilly.

I just got a Gopro - hopefully I'll be able to get some killer video this fall, I wish I had it for the trout fishing on the Methow. 

I have a few Grande Ronde Steelhead openings for our 3 day campout on Oct 1-3, 3-5th and 12-14th.

Join our facebook group. I update it more offten and offer a little more info at times.

Down the road - Coho, Chum, and Dolly fishing in Oct-Nov- Dec. Lake fishing for big browns in mid Oct- Nov.

Happy fishing,

Mike Dickson

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer fish'n

Summer steelheading is on. We have been fishing the Stillaguamish and Skykomish lately. The wild fish are starting to show and there are some fish around. Man are they hot fish when you get one. River levels have been great and the rivers have that emerald green to the water that I love to see. We hooked 3 today but only managed to land a small one. There are some kings starting to show too.
Me and a couple buddys just got back from Neah Bay fishing with a charter boat that a friend has. The fishing out there has been great but we hit some bad weather with some big swells so we couldn’t get out on the ocean side so we had to stay in the straight. We managed to hook 4 kings and land 2. But our captain had been getting much better fishing in the last 2 weeks. There were some silvers being caught too but they are still pretty small right now. I BBQ’d up the king last night, best damn salmon ever. Just melts in your mouth. I’ve got a new way to cooking them up blackened that is soo good.

Dennis is off to the Grande Ronde for a couple weeks fishing with some boy scouts for some smallies. No reports on that yet but it’s usually pretty killer.

I will be fishing quite a bit on the Methow next month for trout. Beautiful river and some nice dry fly trout action. I usually wet wade without my waders. The weather is usually pretty warm and the river will cool us down.  I do have a couple guys looking for partners.

Should be another good year on the Grande Ronde. I have a few open dates (October 1-3rd and the 12-14th) for our 3 day trips with a couple single day trips to fill in the gaps.  If you ever wanted to try for a steelie on a dry fly that would be the trip.

I have been doing a ton of casting classes and ½ day salmon/steelhead classes on the Sky. If you know a new angler that is looking to get into the sport these are a nice start. They also make a good gift.

Happy fishing.

Mike and Dennis Dickson

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Views over the Methow
I just got back from a little vacation from the east side. We stayed with some friends in Mazama. The area is just amazing, cant wait to do some trout fishing on the Methow. I'll be running some single and multiple day trips in July - late Aug. 
Me and a buddy managed to get a day out on a small lake and do some fishing. The scenery was beautiful, and the fishing was killer. We literally caught fish on every cast. I had a 2 fly rig on for most of the day and twice I hooked and landed 2 fish on one cast. The fish weren't big, but feisty buggers. I have some other local info on some of the other lakes over there if your interested I can email it to you, just ask. Dennis is kicking around the idea of taking guys over there to do some lakes fishing with some guys. The idea would be to try to hit 2 or more lakes each day adding some variety to the guide trip.

The rivers are about to open. The Skykomish river levels are lookn pretty good right now. It sounds like the Skykomish is expecting a decent amount of steelhead to return due to a bigger smolt release than normal too.
June 9-10 is a free fishing weekend, so take a kid fishing - no license required.

I will be doing some trips to the Kalama river in July. If your interested get at me. My weekends are filling up.

Orange Tail Tube Fly
I added some killer new steelhead tube flies to

Happy fishing,

Mike & Dennis Dickson

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The last couple weeks we have been running casting classes and fishing local lakes. Dennis has run quite a few lakes classes. Some of the upcoming casting and lakes classes have availability. We will be doing some river classes once they open. The rivers open in a few weeks, can't wait! 
If you have never fished the methow in the summer for trout check it out, it's a good time. We will be running 3 day camp trips and single day guide trips.

We just did a presentation for the north sound CCA group in Burlington. They are doing some great work, thanks for having us guys!

Please check out, the CCA can only do so much legally as a non profit organization. The WACPAC was set up to endorse and provide political support, provide a voters guide for recreational fishermen, and undertake the political efforts that recreational anglers strongly oppose.

Tight lines,

Mike D

Friday, April 20, 2012

Nicks Big Wild O.P. Hen
I'm back home for a few days after a long O.P. stint. On the overall it was a pretty good season. Seams like the rivers had a little more fishing pressure this year. Maybe the Puget Sound rivers will reopen for a catch and release season next year to help spread out the fishermen, keep eyes on the rivers and the support local business. After all catch and release single barbless fishermen are very low impact to wild fish. We could also continue to pull out those hatchery fish from the rivers.
Most of the O.P. rivers were producing a decent number of fish.The last couple weeks didn't get much rain so we had to change up some  tactics and flies a bit.

So I gotta tell you about Nicks fish in the picture at header, it was a crazy fight. I was right next to Nick when he hooked it. It was a light take and it came at him. Nick says "it's a small one". I'm thinking the same thing till it turns away and starts heading up stream and the rod starts bending harder and harder. Steelhead for sure, then a nice cart wheel jump. "Wow, decent fish too" I think. The fish is heading up stream faster and faster. I am looking a Nicks line and he is getting deep into the backing. I tell nick to start running up stream to conserve his backing. He can only go so far till it get we get to a log jam and deeper water. As he is getting to his last few yards of backing the fish turns and starts coming back down stream. Nick starts reeling like crazy to keep some tension. The fish stops out in front of us. After a minute or so I notice nothing is happening. Nick has good tension but I realize the line is hung up on a rock or stick underwater. Nick can't feel any movement from the fish.
I tell Nick to jump in the boat and we row out to get a different angle on the line. I know this is a fateful situation but as we get the different angle the line comes off the obstacle and Nick gives the rod more tension to see if there is any pull back and sure enough the fish starts running again... lucky! Nicks dad and brother are on shore watching the action. We head back to shore and back to the fight. Once on shore the fish is straight out in front of us out about a hundred feet and in some decent current. After some back and forth the fish quits fighting and is just bulldogg'n. It wont move. This time I know we are not hung up cause you can feel it sway a little in the current. After a minute or so Nick looks at me ans says "what should we do". I know we gotta keep the fish moving so it will tire out enough to land. It will also be hard to pull the fish through the current to land on our side. I decide we should jump back in the boat and head over to the fish and get closer to see if we can get it to move. We jump in the boat and I row upstream enough to get the angle to row over by the fish. As we start getting closer I tell Nick to bend the rod to the side and keep good pressure. Nicks arm is getting tired by now. It works and the fish runs to the opposite side and into slower water. I tell Nick we better land it on this side cause we can't get it back across the current. We beach on the opposite bank and proceed to land the fish. After what was probably over a half hour we finally land it. I knew it was a decent fish but hot damn! I'm not sure but I think this was nicks first steelhead. Not many around his home state of Utah. After we take a few photos Nick looks at me in bewilderment and says "So that is what steelhead are all about, wow I get it"

Lookn ahead we are booking for sea run cutts on the Stillaguamish, methow trout, kalama and skykomish steelhead. 

Mike's Wild Buck
For our schools we are doing casting classes, lakes classes and 5 hr river classes all links are on the homepage.

2012 Grande Ronde dates are: Oct 1-3rd 3-5th 6th-8th 9th - 11th or the 12th-14th inquire for single day trip availability.

Check out our facebook page and become a member. Check out the video's Maxx uploaded. 

As Matt would say "pull heavy",

Mike D

Friday, March 30, 2012

The rivers are taking it in the shorts right now. We are breaking records for the amount of rain we have got in March. Most of the O.P. rivers are showing good returns of wild fish. If you could hit the river levels right you could have a pretty fishy day. There is usually a fine line between a blown out river and a killer day. One of the best days we had was as the river was dropping right after it had blown out.

Looking ahead we have 5 hr river schools, 4 hr lakes classes, and casting classes. For guided summer trips we are booking puget sound sea run cutts on local rivers in mid august - late sept and Methow trout from mid july - early September. We will fish summer steelhead on the puget sound rivers, Kalama, and Cowlitz.

I was talking to a lady that works for the Park Service that does a fish survey.  One of the questions they ask my clients is "do you prefer to catch and release wild steelhead or keep them". After my clients answer catch and release I ask, "does anybody say they want to keep them?". I was shocked when she said that it's about 50/50 for C&R vs. catch and kill. As we are loading up the boat and putting gear away, sure enough she ask the question and they answer "catch and kill".
I'm sorry we just don't get enough wild steelhead on any of our Washington rivers for a Kill fishery even on the Sol Duc. We do have some rivers and fisheries for wild salmon at times that can handle a kill fishery but NOT Wild steelhead. We just don't have enough fish, and the fish we do have should be released to sustain our future runs.

Tight lines and please be nice to our wild fish,

Mike D

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kurt's O.P. Steelie

I have a couple days rest due to some higher river levels. I have been hittn the O.P. pretty hard with some great guys. Guiding isn't always easy but when you meet such amazing new people it just makes this job sooo rewarding.
Most days have been a little wet but we did manage to round up some beautiful weather on the 6th-8th.
The Queets has been a little slower than usual this last week possibly due to the netting schedule but we still managed to hook fish everyday. Yesterday we had 2 hookups and landed a hot, hot 14lb hen (in picture). That was a real thrill to watch. We hooked the fish next to a long jam and had to jump in the boat to run down stream with the fish. We ended up landing it on the other side of the river. We had the fish pretty much whipped and as I was helping net the fish at some point I hear the line snap and see the fish just pause for a second and I raced to scoop it up knowing that he can easily slip away. Luckily the fish didn't move and was able to knab her up so Kurt could get a pic of the biggest steelhead he has ever caught. Get's me pumped every time.

I have also been fishing the Clearwater and upper Quinault a little here and there. Both are nice back ups if the Queets gets too dirty.
I'll be headed back out in a couple days hopefully this higher water brings in a nice pulse of fish. A few 20+ pounders would be nice.

Tight lines,

Mike D

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Matt's first fish of the day was a zingger.
Looks like my favorite O.P. river is off to a good start. It has fish, the hard part is just hitting the river levels right. The rivers are taking a little beating right now, February can be like that. A good back up is the Upper Quinault though. With as much water as we got last night and today it still had 6+ ft of vis when we left it today. I'm back home long enough to dry out and head back for more. 

Fyi - I have a couple partners looking to split a O.P. guide trip. $200 bucks March 22nd or either day April 10th and/or 11th. Let me know.

Come get some,

Mike D.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

O.P. Steelhead
I’m getting ready to head out and hit the peninsula (Dennis is off to Puerto Rico). I was pretty disappointed that WDFW decided that they are going to allow a 1 fish kill of WILD Steelhead in most of the Peninsula rivers, especially on the Hoh. The Hoh has had a few years where they have to shut down due to low numbers. The numbers still aren’t stable enough to allow for any Wild fish to be killed I don’t know what WDFW was thinking. Just goes to show the thinking mentality. We call it Kill and close vs. keeping a river open and allowing catch and release.

Being that the Queets in the National park you can’t keep any there. This has helped the good returns we have been seeing in the past 5 years. This should be a good season. I’ve tied lots of flies and am ready to hit it. I have 2 weekend dates that are open due to a cancellation that I will give a discount on for last minute booking. Dates are 17th and 19th of Feb, let me know if interested.
Also most guys start thinking of other fish come April but April is just as good if not better than March. The Queets closes on April 15th but I’ll flip over and hit the Bogi or Sol Duc till May. By the time May hits most fish are spawning and I’m done.

We are now booking for our  Methow trout Camp. Early booking prices are $599 PP plus a dozen flies for 3 days 2 nights fishing. Perfect for any skill level.   July – September. Summer trout dry fly fishing!

Also check out our new book -

Tight lines,
Mike Dickson

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our Book is done -

Brian's Big Skagit Dolly Varden

 Our Book is done (finally). Editing our writing was not fun, I pitty the fool. You can buy it at Barnes and Noble for the Nook or on the Kindle. It is made up of stories or that revolve around our guiding or fishing experiences. We tried to make it light harted with some funny stuff. Check it out and let us know what you think, unless you don't like it then you can kiss it : )
I am really looking forward to some peninsula fishing, I had one of my best seasons last year. We caught some nice WILD Steelhead. I will be focused on the Queets River but will also fish the Upper Quinault, Clearwater, Hoh, Boggi, And Sol Duc. 
I do have some availability but weekend dates are becoming limited. I''ll start fishing out there from Feb 15th and end around April 30th.
Peninsula School Dates are Feb 24 -26th with some availability.

I do have a guy looking for a partner to split a trip on Saturday Feb 18th.

If you area single and want to do a trip let me know some dates that work for you I'll probably be able to hook you up with a partner.

Locally we have some casting classes and a 5 hour fishing class float trip on the Sky - Both have availability - check the links on our home page for info.
NEW - We will be doing some 4-5 hr lakes classes starting April 15th through the summer. Multiple lakes around the sound to choose from. Also look for our 3 day Methow trout trip. I am putting a page together for that too.

See ya,  Mike & Dennis Dickson

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I have been fishing the Skykomish and Skagit for the past month. On the Sky I have been floating from High Bridge to Sultan or doing walk-ins above high bridge. I have seen most of the fish come the Reiter area. The further away I got the slower the fishing was.
On the Skagit we have hooked a couple steelhead but the expected target would be Dolly Varden. The up side of catching the dollys is you can expect to catch multiple fish and this is the time of year I find some of the biggest ones, a few days ago we caught one that was 7+ pounds. I literally thought it was a salmon for a few minutes.
Most of the local rivers will shut down on Feb 1st and Feb 15th in some areas. No Catch and release season. I;m not sure if we will ever get that back. It seams like we get a little less each year.

I am really looking forward to some peninsula fishing, I had one of my best seasons last year. We caught some nice WILD Steelhead. I will be focused on the Queets River but will also fish the Upper Quinault, Clearwater, Hoh, Boggi, And Sol Duc. 
I do have some availability but weekend dates are becoming limited. I''ll start fishing out there from Feb 15th and end around April 30th.
Peninsula School Dates are Feb 24 -26th with some availability.

I do have a guy looking for a partner to split a trip on Saturday Feb 18th.

If you area single and want to do a trip let me know some dates that work for you I'll probably be able to hook you up with a partner.

Locally we have some casting classes and a 5 hour fishing class float trip on the Sky - Both have availability - check the links on our home page for info.
NEW - We will be doing some 4-5 hr lakes classes starting April 15th through the summer. Multiple lakes around the sound to choose from.

Join our Facebook page